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A thin composite laminate is used to change your smile by designing your smile in a computerised technology and giving it a best of shade and shape it’s a minimal preparation technique but the best of conservative cosmetic treatment that can be done to improve yourself image and make you stand out in the crowd. This is the best technique for shde matching and getting the best smile designing. This is the technique to get a celebrity smile on your face.

What Is A Porcelain Veneer?
A dental veneer, also called a laminate, is an ultra-thin shell of tooth-colored porcelain designed to cover the front surface of your tooth. When veneers are bonded to carefully prepared teeth, the changes in color, shape, size or length result in a dramatic cosmetic improvement in your teeth and, ultimately, your smile!

This is where the artistry in dentistry really shines! I love creating that perfect smile with dental veneers. To do it correctly, many steps must be carefully completed with the help of high quality laboratory technicians. We use a dental lab near Hollywood, CA to get what I consider the best for our patients — and, yes, we have the smiles in our office to prove it! Several members of our dental team, including myself, greet our patients with veneer-enhanced smiles! And our patients notice, compliment and demand their own perfect smile!

What Are The Benefits Of A Porcelain Veneer?
1. A whiter and brighter smile
2. Eliminates those annoying chips, cracks and imperfections in teeth
3. Minor twists, overlaps and small gaps can be corrected quickly
4. Eliminates the need for orthodontics in some patients
5. Helps eliminate those ugly little “black triangles”your gum line — the ones that get worse with age
6. A minimal amount of the natural tooth must be altered to fit a veneer

What’s Involved In Getting A Porcelain Veneer?
Smile design BhubaneswarThe procedure for getting a porcelain veneer is very similar to that of getting a crown. The main difference is that less of your natural tooth needs to be reduced in order to accommodate the veneer. In fact, the lingual, or tongue side of your tooth, is many times left untouched.

The first step in getting veneers is having an impression made of your existing teeth. This is done by filling an arch-shaped tray with a impression material and pressing it onto your upper or lower arch. Within minutes, the material sets up, is popped off and used to create a temporary veneer which we will insert until your permanent one is made. Next, the front of each tooth is slightly reduced in size and shape in order to accommodate your new veneers. Some cases need more or less reduction — this is a highly individualized step. Then another impression is taken. Your temporary veneers are then fabricated in our office lab and are inserted over your prepared teeth. When we receive your permanent veneers from the Hollywood lab, you return to our office, the temporaries are removed, at which time we carefully place each veneer on its corresponding tooth to check for proper fit. This also gives you and us a sense of any shade or color variations. The reason we do this is because, at this point, we can still vary the shade of your veneer slightly by varying the shade of the bonding material we use. Once satisfied, each tooth is etched with a special cleaning agent and cemented into place. When we are all done, the smiles start coming and the life starts changing! Wow! And that is why we love dentistry!!


How do I take care of my veneers?
Simply brush and floss. Stay away from hard foods and no hard biting or using the front teeth as tools!

Do I need a porcelain veneer or a crown?
This is a decision that is made on a case by case basis. If a veneer will work well, it is better because it preserves more of the natural tooth.

How long do veneers last?
As a procedure, porcelain veneers have not been around as long as others, but we do have some that are over 20 years old. If done properly with excellent technique, I believe they too can last a lifetime.

Will my veneers change color?
Usually not at all, since they are made of fired porcelain. Bad color later on can mean leakage or breakage, so checkups are important.

Can a veneer pop off? If so, what should I do?
Yes, but it is usually due to clenching, grinding or traumas — all of which can and will hurt natural teeth too. Under normal careful wear, they do not come loose often; of course, if they do, save it and bring it into the office for rebonding.

Why didn’t my last dentist offer me porcelain veneers?
To do correctly, this is a very exacting and difficult procedure. It takes extra training, excellent porcelain technician support, artistic talent, and practice! Many dentists try and fail at this because of these factors and thusly, don’t offer them.

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